Email Fraud Landscape Spring 2021

email fraud wave prompts shift to dmarc enforcement

Email continues to be one of the most effective ways to communicate. This accounts for its growth during a year of global pandemic, but also for the fact that hackers continue to use email as a primary attack vector.

To get a read on the rate of domain spoofing among email traffic as a whole, Valimail examined consolidated data from millions of DMARC aggregate reports we collected on behalf of customers during 2020.

Key Findings:

  • At least 1% of global email traffic utilizes suspicious and likely fraudulent sender identity
  • Domains without DMARC enforcement are 4.75x more likely to be the target of spoofing attempts than domains with DMARC enforcement.
  • More than 1.28 million domain owners worldwide have configured DMARC for their domains

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