Let’s Talk DMARC and BIMI: How Marketing and IT can Work Together

Learn how DMARC and BIMI work together to help improve email ecosystems.
Let's talk DMARC: a webinar featuring Valimail and Digicert

We recently hosted LinkedIn Live with Digicert all about how IT and Marketing departments can collaborate to improve the security and visual appeal of their email ecosystems.

Dean Coclin, Sr. Director of Business Development at Digicert, and Todd Herr, Technical Director, Standards and Ecosystem at Valimail provided a great presentation covering some great topics, including:

  • What is DMARC?
  • What is BIMI?
  • What are the underlying requirements for BIMI, what mailboxes support BIMI, and why brands would want to participate?
  • Q and A with Dean and Todd

Watch the full session and presentation below:

To save a copy of the slides used in the presentation by Todd and Dean, you can check out the full deck here. In addition to the questions addressed in live presentation, we received a few additional questions about DMARC and BIMI:

If you have the same logo on multiple domains do you need a vmc for each domain (ie .com.au and .co.nz domains)?

No. The VMC Guidelines supports listing multiple domains in the Subject Alternative Name Extension (section and so long as the VMC is properly referenced in BIMI DNS records published for each domain, one VMC can support multiple domains.

Do some mail providers ignore the DMARC record? For instance, if I tell DMARC to reject emails, can the receiving mail server still pass that through? How does that impact BIMI?

Some mail providers do ignore the DMARC record and, for example, treat reject as quarantine. However, BIMI logo display requires at a minimum that the message pass DMARC, and treating reject as quarantine does not mean that the message passed DMARC, only that the mail provider did not honor the preferred disposition for a failing message, and so no message failing DMARC should result in the display of a BIMI logo.

The logo we would use for BIMI is a portion of our trademarked logo. Is that acceptable?

No, not at this time. However, the AuthIndicators Working Group is exploring ways to expand the availability of BIMI to brands and domains that do not have trademarked logos that are acceptable for BIMI.

To learn more about DMARC, BIMI , and how Valimail can help you protect your domain and improve engagement with your email, contact us today to schedule a demo.

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[UPCOMING WEBINAR] Microsoft and Valimail Share DMARC Insights LIVE on 02/19 — Register HERE.