Email authentication use growing steadily in every industry sector

According to a new report by Valimail, the vast majority of U.S. federal government agencies have successfully adopted Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance (DMARC), a security standard to combat fake emails. Adoption of standards like DMARC is also on the rise among major companies and in the health care sector, although success rates are still much lower there.

Despite these improvements, the FBI has reported that losses from business email compromise (BEC) scams increased 60% last year, a development which Valimail links to the successful distribution of fake emails by threat actors.

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Go one step further than visibility…Take action! Reach DMARC enforcement faster. Stay compliant with evolving sender requirements. All while protecting your brand.

Phishing and BEC protection starts with your domain — verify your DMARC status with the Valimail Domain Checker.