Amplify (Add-On)

Add your brand logo
to every inbox

Boost email open rates and improve your inbox experience with BIMI – the best way to build brand trust in your customer’s inbox.

How Amplify makes BIMI possible

As the only automated BIMI solution on the market, Amplify takes the complexity out of BIMI implementation and gives marketers full control over the branded inbox experience.

BIMI made easy through automation

Remove the complexity of BIMI implementation with an automated solution that puts inbox logo management in the hands of your marketing team.

Manage multiple brand entities, domains, and logos

Amplify’s toolkit makes it easy to assign the right brand assets to the right domains, and instantly swap them in and out as needed.

Acquire Verified Mark Certificates (VMC)

BIMI requires VMCs for brand assets, and Valimail has partnered with leading certificate authorities to help you become certified faster.

Use our Domain Checker to see if you’re ready for BIMI

Use our Domain Checker to reveal blindspots in your network and start your journey to Zero Trust email security.

The market leader since the
dawn of automated DMARC

Since pioneering automated DMARC in 2015, we’ve worked hard to ensure our
customers benefit from the highest quality of enforcement and security available.

Get started with Amplify

Boost email open rates and improve your inbox experience with BIMI – the best way to build brand trust in the inbox.

Phishing and BEC protection starts with your domain — verify your DMARC status with the Valimail Domain Checker.