What You Need to Know to Protect Your Identity and Finances This Tax Season

tax fraud phishing

Recent tax scams, as highlighted by the IRS and the FBI, continue to pose significant threats to taxpayers, exploiting various schemes to commit fraud and identity theft. The IRS’s “Dirty Dozen” list for 2023 underscores the variety of scams taxpayers and tax professionals should be wary of, not only during the tax season but throughout […]

Valimail’s New Fireside Chat Video Series: Experts Exchange

Valimail video series Experts Exchange

We’re happy to announce that Valimail is kicking off an all-new video series: Experts Exchange. This ongoing fireside chat was created to provide experts and professionals across the email ecosystem, from inbox providers to IT managers, to talk about topics they’re passionate about.  In our first video, we spoke with Valimail’s very own Seth Blank, […]

Phishing and BEC protection starts with your domain — verify your DMARC status with the Valimail Domain Checker.